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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Get Your Sexual Partner to 69

    Build Sexual Trust With Your Partner

  1. Respond to your partner's sexual needs and interests proactively and enthusiastically and treat them as equal in importance to your own.

  2. Treasure every moment of sexual pleasure that you share spontaneously with your partner rather than always focusing on what's next.

  3. Maintain excellent sexual hygiene at all times and let your sexual partner know that you are comfortable with his sexual hygiene.

  4. Listen to Your Sexual Partner About 69

  5. Communicate with your sexual partner about both of your sexual interests not just your own.

  6. Ask your sexual partner to share fantasies and interests with you and see whether she brings up a desire to try the 69 position.

  7. Draw out your partner's reluctance, if any, to try 69 and discuss any reasons he may have for avoiding the position.

  8. Avoid insisting on having things your way or bullying your partner into doing something she does not want to do.

  9. Get Your Sexual Partner To 69

  10. Express your desire to share the 69 experience with your sexual partner in the context of your love, devotion and desire to be totally intimate with your partner.

  11. Introduce 69 as a pleasurable experience that the two of you might share for a few moments rather than a daunting evening-long commitment.

  12. Build upon the experiences that you are already sharing with your partner. If you already enjoy oral sex with one another, 69 may just be a matter of joining two pleasurable experiences together.

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